Gestalt laws.

 Gestalt principles are laws of human perceptions that helps in identifying patters, how humans categorise similar elements and simplify complex images to simpler ones. According to the study mind identifies what the eyes sees by perceiving a number of individual element as a whole.

1. Similarity : elements that are similar to each other are perceived as unified group. It can be in colour, orientation, size, motion etc.

2. Symmetry:  elements that are symmetrical to each other are perceived as a unified group.

3. Proximity: 
eye tends to build a relationship between elements of the same design

4. Figure and ground: Identifying a figure or meaningful image from the background.

5. Continuity: 
the tendency to perceive a line continuing in its established direction.


6. Closure: even if there is a break we tend to perceive the object in a continuous/ complete form.


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